Television actress Pratyusha Banerjee, known for her role of adult Anandi in the serial Balika Vadhu, allegedly committed suicide in Mumbai on Friday, police said. Pratyusha hanged herself from a fan at her Kandivli residence but was found and taken to the Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani Hospital where she succumbed.
Police have taken Banerjee's boyfriend Rahul Raj Singh for interrogation and her post mortem report will be released by 4 pm on Saturday. Her body is currently at Sidharth Hospital in Goregaon. The investigation is happening at Bangur Nagar police station in Goregaon.
According to sources within the police, the last person to have visited her house was the laundry man.
Police have taken Banerjee's boyfriend Rahul Raj Singh for interrogation and her post mortem report will be released by 4 pm on Saturday. Her body is currently at Sidharth Hospital in Goregaon. The investigation is happening at Bangur Nagar police station in Goregaon.
However, Singh gave his first statement to the police earlier today, claiming he was the one who took Banerjee's body to the hospital.
Pratyusha and Rahul were Raj and Simran kind of a couple: Delnaaz Irani (indiatoday talks)
Pratyusha Banerjee's Power Couple co-star Delnaaz Irani says she's completely shocked with the news of the 24-year-old's suicide. She in fact dismissed it as an April Fool's joke, before her phone was inundated with messages from friends and colleagues confirming the tragic news.
Talking to India Today Online over the phone, Delnaaz remembers Pratyusha as a chirpy girl, full of life. She also shares how Rahul and Pratyusha had grand plans for their upcoming lavish wedding in Jaipur, Rajasthan.
"She always sounded like a lovely girl full of life"
I am completely shocked. I have slept at 2 in the night and woke up at 6: 30 in the morning. I have been just quiet and absolutely clueless as to how this happened. We were not like pals or friends as they would say, but my association with her was brief in Power Couple. But I had some really lovely moment spent with her. It was like spending time together, having breakfast or lunch together, spending some precious moments. She always sounded like a lovely girl full of life.
She would keep asking --Delu didi aap kaise ho
I remember, there was a task in Power Couple where I got deeply injured. She would come to my room, and would keep asking 'Delu didi aap kaise ho'. She was a very loving girl, chirpy and at the same time a very strong-headed woman. I am shocked that itni chhoti bachchi who was such a household name, and a strong girl, would take a step like that. I can't get over it; how can a person like that take such step.
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